Beta Testing going Live Wednesday!

Our Beta testing begins Wednesday. Here's what to expect.

Our Beta testing begins Wednesday. Here's what to expect, and who gets beta testing access.

How do I get access?

For the first 1-2 weeks, as listed on the website, only $MONBET token holders who own 10k+ $MONBET tokens will be able to use the beta platform.

After this gets going, we will begin rolling out more beta testing slots for users currently on the waitlist on a first come first serve basis.

What sports will be available during testing?

At the start of beta testing, we will have the NBA. While the regular season ended, there is still NBA playoffs.

We are working on rolling out other sports ASAP.

What features will be available?

  • Algorithm generated picks

  • Advanced Player Analytics

  • Advanced Team Analytics

  • Odds research tool

  • Arbitrage Finder

  • The Lab

P.S, Token price increases by 5 cents on Wednesday at 5 PM PST.

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