College Basketball 🚀 SOON

It's coming.

It’s coming.

College Basketball AI Models are almost here.

We are 48 hours away from launch our college basketball models.

And the best part is, current Monster users are going to get it for FREE.

We will be launching a beta test for our NCAAB models in our discord for premium community members.

All you have to do is be a current user, and you will be able to see all NCAAB predictions during our beta testing.

Want to lock in your College basketball access for CHEAP?

The first 10 people who use code “SUPERBOWL” at checkout will get 60% Off of Monster.

You’ll get:

-Current sport(s)

-Our Data Tools

-Premium discord access

-Our Agent

for as cheap as you can possibly get PLUS lock in access to the NCAAB models as soon as they launch.

Clock is ticking, pull the trigger@

Our NBA Models are proof its about to crush: