Last Minute Feature Addition

We're adding one more feature before beta goes live!

We're adding one more feature before beta goes live!

A pretty big concern people had was “What if my book isn’t supported by Monster?”

We realized there was an easy solution: Build in the ability to ask Monster yourself.

So we’re creating “The Lab” which’ll be an interface for running simulations on lines yourself.

It’s very simple:
Enter the player, the line, the odds, and click simulate!

You’ll then be able to see simulation data surrounding that specific line to help you make a decision on whether to place that bet or not.

Demo video for “The Lab” and some more details will be coming within the next couple days, keep your eyes peeled!

As a reminder, the $MONBET token presale is now live on:

P.S: There will be token utility for “The Lab” 😉